Saturday, March 6, 2010

Move It

What are you doing to move more in your daily routine? How sedentary are you?

I started reading a book a few weeks ago titled "Move a Little, Lose a Lot" by James A. Levine, Md, PhD and Selene Yeager. Although I haven't read any more of this book since then I do plan on reading it and start incorporating the principles this month. This book addresses the NEAT* science developed by Dr. Levine that at it's core is by moving more during our day we will burn more calories and therefore be able to maintain a healthier weight. (*NEAT stands for nonexercise activity thermogenesis - or the calories you burn really living). In his studies he mentions that by averaging 135 minutes of movement -any type- each day then we can burn calories and increase our energy.

Now that the weather is getting better, it will be easier to get outside and incorporate more movement. The activities I know I can do, some fun - some not as much fun, are walk in the neighborhood, yard work, mowing, gardening, pulling weeds, hiking to name a few. Also, I can get in my shop for some woodworking since it's not freezing out there.

There are plenty of things inside as well that burn calories. Preparing meals, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, laundry, standing/walking while on the phone, etc.

The point is, we need to look for ways to get off our duff. Even the mere act of standing burns more calories than sitting (not much - but it does).

I recommend purchasing the book and reading it. When reading it you may think "no duh - basic common sense". But his book goes more into the science of it and serves as a good swift kick in the pants for us.

I've added some movement goals to my GOALS page. Join in with me and make this month a new beginning for more movement.

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